Early season trout fishing is full swing! Get out on your local stream and make it happen!  #fishlocal

Wisco Outfitters

Madison, Wisconsin - Midwest sales rep for Simms fishing and St. Croix fly

Filtering by Tag: hooligan

Changes! Jobs, summer, fishing, oh my!

Hi Folks,

Been an interesting summer around here...big news is a new full time job! I am now a salesperson with Zimbrick Mini of Madison. I've always been a car guy too, and ZImbrick is a great local business...so I'm excited to get started there. If you're interested in Mini's, or are looking for a used vehicle...give me a holler.


With that, I will be closing down my real estate business this year. Its been great working with people and keeping my pulse on recreational land, but I no longer have time to devote to real estate along with everything else. However, if you need help with an agent..I can help point you in the right direction.

You may have also seen some pics of trips we've done in the Confluence Boatworks (now owned by Stealthcraft) Hooligan raft. It's a great little boat, and is a ninja in skinny water and smaller rivers. I have a little boat ADD, so the raft is up for sale....give me a shout at wiscooutfitters@gmail.com if you are interested. Stay tuned for more boat news in the future ;-)


I'll admit it's been a busy summer, and haven't been getting out on the water as much as I'd like.  Did manage a quick trip up to Hayward over the 4th weekend, to fish with my good buddy Erik Huber of Hayward Flyfishing Company. We battled the hoards of tubers but still managed to fool a good number of smallies....boogles, murdich minnows, divers...they ate everything. Good times on some of my favorite water. 

Warm days have me thinking of mousing for trout, and getting some night bassing in. Summer nights are a great time to be out...esp. with this hot weather.  

WIth the departure from real estate, you'll start to see more conservation and fishing news based content, esp. on the Wisco Outfitters Facebook page. I'm also going to try to feature some of the great local guides, bloggers, and artists we have in the greater WI area. I'll also still be doing some educational trips, as well as co-fishing trips to further destinations. Lots to come....stay tuned, and FISH LOCAL!