Rodeo Days
photo by SalmobyFly
Rodeo Days.
Shitshow Days.
WTF Days.
We’ve all had them. If you’ve fly fished for any amount time….you know by experience that most days don’t come off like perfectly posed social media pics.
Lost flies, tangled lines, botched casts, broken rods, failed trailer bearings, broken pull starts, missed fish….it’s all part of it.
Why just yesterday, in a moment of amazing sixth sense, I came tight to one of the largest stream browns I’ve had on in recent memory. Tight line nymphing, the line never showed signs of fish…but I just knew it was there. Rod up! Holy Shit! A scant 7 seconds later I was standing slack jawed and I had just broken off the fish trying to horse it into shallower water to land it.
Dumb, dumb, dumb.
What could have been glorious, ended up setting off the rest of my day of cursing bankside vegetation, cursing that one snag in that one run that kept stealing my flies over and over, cursing the cold wind, and muttering about a fishless outing on what should have been a fairly productive day.
I was sullen. And tired. I trudged back to the car…and pondered other better ways I could have spent the afternoon. My time off is valuable these days…and I felt like I squandered a good one. Maybe I should take up another hobby, one that doesn’t have the potential for irritation quite so much. Hmmm…
But…as always, I came to my senses.
Shit show days are part of the game. And it’s all about the being out, and the casting, and the scenery blah blah blah. Truth is…I’m skunked so far in 2018, and I just wanted one goddam fish. Other people are catching them, cuz I see them all over fakegram and instabook. Big ones. Pretty ones. Every damn day.
I’m not a pissy fisherman..usually. I have great days, great seasons, big fish, lot’s of fish, stunning days of beauty, days where everything just falls into place, great fishing friends and amazing solitary moments.
I can’t complain. I shouldn’t complain.
But once in awhile you just need to.
Then you fisherman-up and remember…again, that’s how it goes. We live in this world of fly fishing and gratuitous fish pics, and epic stories, and internet heroes, and far flung destinations…that it’s easy to get down on yourself for having a shitty day. The fact -> everyone has shitshow days. Everyone. Lot’s of them. All the time. In all kinds of ways you probably haven’t even dreamed of. People just don’t talk about it, because where’s the glory in that? There’s reputations to uphold. You think people don't want to hear about how you chased an oar, then your net...downriver.
I could tell you all the things about why we fish and all that inspirational bullshit…but you’ve read all those memes already. Let’s talk about the shitty days, misery loves company…right?
And you just want one goddam fish sometimes.
I challenge everyone out there…post a story online of a rodeo day. A day where all you can say is WTF.
Remind someone new to the sport that it isn’t all fame and glory and amazing fish and the best filtered pics you’ve ever seen. Tell your friends about how big of an idiot you were. Joke about it. It’s all good. Just get it out there. Your friends totally can't wait to laugh at you, but mostly because they have a story too...usually worse. Or better depending on how you frame it.
Our sport needs to see more “failure”…because it’s a truth. A truth that many new fisherman struggle with, and I think it’s important for everyone in the sport to remember it’s not always the best day ever. Or even close to the best day ever. Disappointment is real, but it also can bring growth…as we all know.
Besides, if we didn’t have bad days, how would we know what a good day looks like.
Chew on that for awhile.
Meh. Anyway.
Did you see that eagle? Good sign. And that sunset! I need a pic of that with clouds and the river. Guaranteed likes.
It was sure good to get out.
Photo by J. Hyduke